We designed this course specifically for Green School Parents. It explores many of the questions and concerns that they naturally have when facing medical decisions in Bali. It includes knowledge sharing, conversation and skills that help parents stay confident and keep their families safe while enjoying life in Bali.
Location: TBD
Dates/Times: October 2020
Sponsor: TBD
Length: TBD
Tuition: TBD
Age: 18+
Language: This course is held in English and requires strong English language skills.
The International Parent First Aid training helps people prepare for the realities of living with their family in environments where medical care can be delayed, unreliable or even unavailable. This course is offered during school hours so it is easy for parents to attend. It provides basic first aid training, as well as a general overview of the medical options and resources available to families in Bali. It also offers strategies for keeping your family safer and builds community capacity for medical emergencies and disasters. This course teaches parents how to provide initial care for their loved ones in a non-hospital setting and to thoughtfully weigh professional treatment choices. It is the perfect course for parents and caregivers who want to feel more confident with the responsibility of raising a family in a developing world setting.
Conduct a complete medical examination of a patient including taking a patient history, gathering vital signs and doing a head-to-toe physical exam.
Use a patient assessment system to evaluate the initial state of a patient, monitor a patient’s progress and plan ongoing care for 72 hours or more.
Identify and manage common illnesses, injuries and environmental medical problems.
Use local resources and medical professionals, online research and course materials to support good medical decision making.
Plan for patient transfer to a qualified medical facility and facilitate medical evacuations.
Identify and accommodate some of the unique challenges facing individuals and communities with limited access to advanced medical care.
Build a community that can support you in times of medical crisis.
The International Parent First Aid is a fast paced, dynamic course, with roughly 50% of the class time devoted to role-playing scenarios. It is specifically designed to help you retain information and improve your performance in a real medical emergency. The class includes informative lectures, student self-study and many hands-on practical assessments. We use relevant, student-generated examples and local context to reinforce knowledge and promote critical thinking and analysis. This course includes significant time outdoors, regardless of weather conditions. To successfully complete the course and receive certification, students will need to be in attendance for the entire 30 hours of classroom time, fulfil all required self-study assignments and pass all written and physical examinations.
Our class text is the internationally recognised classic Wilderness First Responder by Buck Tilton. We will be using this book, plus other provided course materials. You will receive a copy of this text upon registration for the class. There will be some self-study required before the class begins.
There are no academic prerequisites for this course, but basic first aid training or experience is always helpful. Some of the scenario-based instruction will be conducted outdoors on uneven terrain and require exertion and lifting. Participants need to be physically fit and healthy enough to participate in all scenarios.
International Parent Responder - Upon completion of the course you will receive an International Parent First Aid card that certifies your completion of the specific number of hours of advanced first aid training.
Patient Assessment System
Medical Decision-Making
Tropical Medicine
Basic Anatomy & Physiology
Spinal Cord Injuries
Patient Lifting
Chest Injury
Head Injuries
Strains & Sprains
Fracture Management
Wound Management
Heat Injury and Hydration
Bites and Stings
Cardiac Issues
Respiratory Issues
Abdominal Pain
Allergies and Anaphylaxis
Evacuation and Emergency Plans
Poisoning & Overdose
Communicable Disease
Medications and First Aid Kits
Our Instructors -
Our instructors for this course are WEMTs (Wilderness Emergency Medical Technicians) and founding members of the Green School Community. They have extensive first-hand knowledge of the medical challenges facing families living in Indonesia. Please contact us for more detailed bios.